Tips and advice from our workers’ comp blog
How does a workers’ compensation claim affect my premium?
One factor that affects your workers’ compensation premium is your loss history. Workers’ compensation claims can cause future premiums to increase. Bring employees back to work as soon as they are medically able to minimize the impact of claims on your premium.
A guide to workers’ compensation benefits
Work injuries are never a good thing, but you might find some peace of mind knowing that injured employees can receive workers’ compensation benefits to help bring them back to health and productivity.
Do I need workers’ compensation for a family business?
I’m a small business owner. Do I need workers’ compensation for my family business if all of my employees are family members? The rules differ based on which state you live in.
Where can I buy workers’ compensation insurance?
Learn where to buy workers compensation insurance. In most states, you have some options. You can typically choose whether to purchase through an insurance agent, or from a carrier directly, depending on what state you live in.
That fall in the parking lot could be a work injury
Every state’s law is different, but typically employers are required to provide safe routes for employees from their vehicles into work. If an employee is hurt by falling in the designated parking lot going in or out from work, it could be considered a work injury.
I’m a small business owner. Do I need workers’ comp coverage for myself?
In many states, small business owners and family members don’t need to carry workers’ compensation coverage for themselves. Even if not required by the state, it’s common for general contractors to require all subcontractors to purchase coverage.